JORGE ISAAC: Blockflutes & Electronics (2009)

Item 9 of 13
€ 12,00 € 10,00 (including VAT)

The top selling CD-production of recorder virtuoso Jorge Isaac, known from his thrilling recitals over the globe, prize-winning productions of interdisciplinary performances, multimedia research projects and teaching activities at the Amsterdam Conservatory.

A breathtaking selection of new works for Blockflutes & Electronics by Roderik de Man, Arnoud Noordegraaf, Jorge Isaac, and Marko Ciciliani, including an astonishing version of the classic "Atem" by Mauricio Kagel.

Click here to hear audio samples, or to downlowad individual tracks!

This CD includes the award-winning works “Marionette” (Award of Distinction at the Prix Ars Electronica and Toonzetters Nomination top ten of most distinctive new Dutch music composed in 2007), “Atem” (special prize Best Use of Electronics at the International Gaudeamus Interpreters Competition), and "Mensa Secunda" (Jur Naessens Music Award).

You can also download individual tracks of this CD via Spotify and iTunes.

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